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White Supremacy and Crowd-Sourced Ridicule

All people can love others exactly like themselves. Try loving someone you loathe.

An August Washington Post opinion article spawned a spew of hate-speech from commentators machine-gunning their rage at the White Supremacists of Summer 2017.

White supremacist Chris Cantwell accept police assistance.They sprayed the wrong target with ineffective projectiles.

White supremacy is wrong no matter how you view it. But crowd-sourced ridicule of the supremacists only adds to the hate. Hate always leads to death—cultural, spiritual and physical.

But there is a path to eternal peace.

Anyone for or against white supremacy who claims to finds its roots in First Century stories and injunctions misunderstands the message of agape love. The self-sacrificing Emancipator—the Real Story Teller—says all humans—every baby of any color ever born—comes from one original source. All are alike. All are equal. And the Emancipator loves all without partiality.

While anyone can read his instructions about loving your enemies, only those with spiritual connectivity to the Emancipator can achieve agape love in its completeness. Agape is impossible without merging with the freedom loving Prince of Peace.

Even he says all people can easily love those exactly like themselves. But loving others with perceived differences requires spiritual muscle.

White supremacists lack this strength, as do those who ridicule the white supremacists. Both are morally equivalent. All fall short. All promote hate. All fight for odious and inhumane causes.

Without spiritual connectivity to the Emancipator, none can live a life of agape. None can care for the people the Emancipator calls least of these. But with him, all love becomes possible—sometimes painful—but most definitely possible.

Join with the Emancipator. Accept his gift of acceptance. Practice the same. Turn from your hateful ways. Learn to love your enemies. Then invite to a meal those you find objectionable.

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