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What our customers say.


—James, an academic editing customer

What started out as a business relationship quickly advanced to a respect for a person whom I found out to be honest, sincere, hard-working, and always available to assist when needed in an emergency.

—Harvey Abrams

In my opinion, you went well above and beyond the call of duty. The work was accomplished quickly and with minimum involvement by me. The finished product is outstanding. Your instantaneous comprehension of the technology is amazing.

—John Hastings

…his experience and insight into not only the marketplace, but the macro-level market as well, helped me immensely in assembling the tools I needed for success. His writing was always an asset in delivering a consistent sales message, and I would highly recommend him to anyone.

—Robert McAnally

…a very hard worker with exquisite attention to detail. He learns the products he works with inside and out in order to provide the best information possible. Because of his vast experience with a variety of tools and products, he can bring a new level of insight when documenting.

—Robin Marsack

…the ability to quickly grasp the detailed complexities of a given product and is able to relay that information in a way a layman could easily understand. …a great gift for translating product features into solid benefits that can easily be marketed. I appreciated his easy demeanor and his dependability.

—Scott Smith

…brings much to the table; first his technology understanding and ability to grasp complex technologies was excellent, second, his passion he brought to the job drove a very high-level of quality in his efforts, and finally, his work ethic was such that he stayed well ahead of his deliverable deadlines.

—Jeff Weiss

…developed and maintained a web site that housed sermons and talks given at Trinity Fellowship Church since 2000. His work is well organized and clear to the user. He is a good communicator.

—William Crutcher

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While writing is difficult, we love our work. We help improve communication among people.

Writing is similar to any other profession. It requires training from experienced professionals.

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